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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Differences in Relationship Patterns According to the Adult Attachment and Gender


This study is conducted to explore how relationship patterns are different according to attachment security and attachment styles, focusing on differences between the sexes. After the correlational analysis among the several attachment style questionnaires, four-category adult attachment style questionnaire by Bartholomew & Horowitz(1991) is selected for the Korean adults. With the Inventory of Parent Attachment, the Relational Self Scale(2007) is used to investigate relationship modes, which measures relational selves multi-dimensionally, taken into account of Korean culture. These Scales were administered to 529 Korean adults aging from 18 to 65years old. According to the results of Multiple Analysis of Anova (MANOVA), there are significant gender differences in the relationship patterns, while no differences are found in attachment security and among the four attachment styles between the sexes: The more secure attachment with one's parents, the more positive and secure relationship with others: There are significant differences in all the dependent variables of relationship patterns according to the attachment styles except dependency variable: Women show higher scores than men on the positive relational experiences: men show higher scores than women on the instrumental relations. These results reflect that there are gender differences in general relationship patterns during the process of socialization, which is in accord with the former findings. In conclusion, main effects of the attachment security, attachment styles and gender differences on relationship patterns are found but no interaction effect. The results were discussed in terms of emotional-developmental and sociocultural viewpoints.

attachment security, attachment styles, relational self, relationship patterns, gender differences, 부, 모 애착안정성, 성인애착유형, 성차, 관계적 자아, 대인관계양식



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology