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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Effects of Mentor and Spousal Support and Mentor's Gender on the Work-Family Conflict among Female Public Servants


The study aimed to investigate the effects of mentor and spousal support as social supports from work and family domain on the work-family conflict among female public servants. The results from Korean married female workers revealed that spousal support reduced the level of family interference with work(FIW) significantly. Furthermore, female mentors provided more psychosocial support for the female mentee than male mentors did. Lastly, only for male mentor, mentor support increased the level of work interference with work(WIF) of the female mentees significantly.

멘터 관계, 사회적 지원, 배우자 지원, 멘터 지원, 멘터 성별, 직장-가정간 갈등, 성차, social support, mentor, spousal support, gender, work-family conflict



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology