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메뉴This study was conducted to explore key factors in the process of expertise development of talented female scientists who achieved outstanding research performance. To fulfill the research purpose, 9 female scientists who were awarded major prizes in the field of science were interviewed in-depth from April to August, 2007. In-depth interview lasted around 90mins at their office or laboratory. Interview content was analyzed through initial coding, in-depth coding and theme generation. Results showed that consideration and decision, discovery of mathematics and science aptitude, passion and persistence for academics, and planning life as individual characteristics affected expertise development. The positive environmental factors of expertise development include academic, autonomous, progressive family atmosphere, experience of science, higher education and mentor in life. The negative environmental factors were career interruption due to marriage and child rearing and minority experience. They employed individual strategies to overcome negative environmental factors. According to the results,, educational and policy implications for nurturing female scientists were discussed.
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