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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Roles of autonomy and conflict management strategy in the relation between the contentment of psychological needs and the satisfaction with romantic relationship


The purpose of this study was to find out the differences according to gender in the relation among variables based on the self-determination theory. We investigated (a) if there would be differences according to gender in the degree of the contentment of psychological needs, autonomy, conflict management strategy, and satisfaction with romantic relationship, (b) if autonomy and conflict management strategy would mediate the relation between the contentment of psychological needs and satisfaction with romantic relationship, (c) if there would be differences according to gender in the mediation roles. Three hundred sixty one University students (male 165, female 196) were participated in this study. As a result, (a) the contentment of relation psychological need, negativity and negative emotion expression showed high score for female than for male, (b) autonomy and conflict management strategy mediated the relation between the contentment of psychological needs and satisfaction with romantic relationship, (c) autonomy and conflict management strategy mediated the relation between the contentment of psychological needs and satisfaction with romantic relationship in both male and female participants. The positive emotion expression among conflict management strategy was the only mediation variable for male, whereas not only the positive emotion expression but also negative emotion expression and negativity were the mediation variables for female. These results empirically conformed the self-determination theory, and gave the available knowledge about the differences according to gender in romantic relationship.

이성 관계, 자기결정성, 내재적 동기, 갈등해결전략, 심리적 욕구충족, 관계만족, 성차, satisfaction with romantic relationship, self-determination, intrinsic motivation, conflict management strategy, psychological needs



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology