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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Gender differences in depressive symptoms and reluctance to seek help


The purposes of this study were to investigate the gender differences in the relationship of depressive symptoms and professional help-seeking. Specifically, it was examined that what the psychological factors were influenced on professional help-seeking, and whether gender differences existed or not in its process. Data were collected from the total of 946 adults including 383 male and 583 female in general population. The results of this study were followed: female had got higher than male on the ratio of depression and response of depressive items. Female were reported more depressive mood and interpersonal alienation than male on depressive items. On the contrary, though it was not significant, male were reported more withdrawal behavior than female on depressive item. Male had more a positive attitude toward community mental health ideology than female, but they were showed the negative attitude to seek help for depression. All of adults with depressive symptom did not active to seek help. The income and age were contributed to seek help in female but the attitude toward mental illness was influenced on it in male. Therefore, to increase people's professional help-seeking are needed to draw support system of depressive person and should give them to the psycho-education for depression including mental illness.

성차, 우울증상, 전문적 도움추구, 정신질환자태도, 우울증 예방, gender differences, depressive symptoms, professional help-seeking, attitude toward mental illness, psycho-education for depression, gender differences, depressive symptoms, professional help-seeking, attitude toward mental illness, psycho-education for depression



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology