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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Attitude Toward Gender Equality Polices: Relations between Gender Egalitarianism, Opposition to Affirmative Action and Perception of the Justice


This study examined the attitudes regarding the sex role egalitarianism and the gender equality policies. Especially, this study was to investigate relations between gender egalitarianism, opposition to affirmative action and perception of the justice. This study analyzed the results of 1,522 Korean women(n=506) and men(n=1016). According to results, women, younger aged group, more educations group and urban dwellers showed more favorable attitude toward the sex role egalitarianism than man, old aged group, low educational group and rural dwellers. But, the sex difference in the attitude toward sex role egalitarianism was to greater the younger aged group than the old aged group. Results of the analysis of the attitude regarding gender equality policies suggested that women showed more favorable attitudes than man. The results of the multiple regression mediation analysis demonstrated that people's prejudice level was positively associated with opposition toward affirmative action policies. Moreover, the prejudice was partially mediated through the justice based opposition. The significance, implications, and limitations of these findings were discussed and topics to be investigated in the future study were mentioned.

women, gender equality, gender egalitarianism, affirmative action, gender partnership, 성평등, 성평등의식, 적극적 조치, 성평등 정책, 공정성, 젠더파트너십



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology