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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Mental Health Study of Caregiving Grandmothers Comparing with Non-Caregiving Grandmothers of Middle class


The purpose of this study is to provide an objective index of mental health of middle-class grandmothers raising their grandchildren, who representatively undertake the role of surrogate mother in our society, through comparing their positive/negative variables of mental health which can be experienced by caregiving, with non-caregiving grandmothers.This study examined depression, life satisfaction, parenting stress, and grandparents meaning of middle-class caregiving-grandmothers who undertake bringing up of four-to-six-year-old grandchildren and non-caregiving-grandmothers, and thus, conducted comparative research of their mental health and parenting stress. The results indicate that the caregiving-grandmothers were distinctly depressed, had lower life satisfaction, and experienced higher level of parenting stress when compared to non-caregiving-grandmothers. On the other hand, no significant difference among the two groups were found in grandparent meaning. When classified groups according to caregiving-time and caregiving-choice, intermediate-caregiving group who had less caregiving-time showed more depression so that revealed vulnerability of mental health when compared with the extensive-caregiving group who had more caregiving-time. In the classification according to caregiving-choice, forced-choice group showed more depression, less life-satisfaction, and higher parenting stress as compared with free-choice group. Present study discussed the effect of grandmother parenting in perspective of choice of parenting and role-identification.

중산층 양육 조모, 조모 양육스트레스, 할머니 양육, 우울, 삶의 질, 조부모로서의 의미, 양육 시간, 양육선택권, grandparenting, caregiving grandmother, depression, life satisfaction, parenting stress, and grandparents meaning, caregiving-time, caregiving-choice



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology