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메뉴The purpose of this study tested the reliability and validity of the Korean version of Parenting Stress Index Short Form(PSI-SF). Parenting stress is considered one of the biggest stresses women face. Following the recommended 3-step translation process, K-PSI was administered to the parents of 326 typically developing children from 1 to 12 years of age. The reliability was tested via internal consistency and test-retest reliability(N=35). Its construct validity was examined by administering the K-CBCL (N=274) and the BDI (N=191) and discriminant validity through K-PSI-SF administration to the parents of children with developmental disabilities(N=67). Results of confirmatory factor analysis yielded acceptable fit indexes, which suggested that the similar factor structures exist in both K-PSI-SF and PSI-SF. Overall, results showed a high internal consistency(.76 to .91), test-retest reliability(.69-.77), construct(.49-.87) and discriminant validity, suggesting valid psychometric properties of the K-PSI-SF. Implications of using the K-PSI-SF both as a clinical tool and a research instrument are discussed.
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