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메뉴Hwa-Byung(HB)has been known as a form of psychogenic illness among lay people in Korea and recently been listed as a culture-bound syndrome of Korea in DSM-IV. HB patients have various psychological and somatic symptoms such as chest discomfort, a sensation of heat, and the sensation of having an epigastric mass. In the current study, we examined psychological characteristics of HB patients. Participants were 38 outpatients visiting the depression clinic and the Hwa-Byung clinic and 20 normal adults. The structured interviews(SCID-I, HBDIS) were first administered to determine the diagnosis of participants and MMPI-2 was administered. The results showed that the specific code type was not found but HB patients showed elevated scores on the 2(D), 7(Pt) scales over 65T score. And other clinical scales like 3(Hy), 8(Sc), 4(Pd), 6(Pa) were elevated over 60T score. It indicated that HB is complex syndrome with wide variety of psychological disturbances other than Major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders. Limitations of present study and clinical implications were discussed.
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