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메뉴This study examined the effects of job stress, resolving style of problems, and goal instability on nurses' emotional exhaustion. The study also examines resolving style of problems, and goal instability may mediate the relationship between job stress and emotional exhaustion. To this end, a survey was conducted with hospital nurses. The survey included a total of 320 nurses from 4 general hospitals located in Gwangju city. The main findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, the levels of nurses' emotional exhaustion were predicted in terms of age. Secondly, the levels of nurses' emotional exhaustion were predicted in terms of job stress. Thirdly, after controlling the job stress effect, the levels of nurses' emotional exhaustion were predicted in terms of goal instability. Fourthly, suppressive coping style and goal instability were found to play a mediating role in the relationship between job stress and emotional exhaustion. The present study provides intervention strategies and training skills for reducing burnout rates in nurses via field research.
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