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메뉴This study investigated the mental health status of women inmates in correctional facilities and factors that affect it, and the needs for mental health services. In order to achieve the study purpose, the authors analyzed scores of a mental diagnosis examination (SCL-90-R: Symptom Check List-90-Revision) of 270 women inmates who were currently imprisoned. Sociodemographic variables such as age, marriage status, religion, child care status, drug-related variable, experience of abuse, and social support were examined. The mental health status and the needs for mental health services and relevancy were also investigated. The results indicated that there was no difference in mental diagnosis examination scores and consequent mental health risk ratio between women inmates and lay women. However, the results also showed significant differences in mental health statues of inmates based on the variables such as the status of child care, being the main care provider under the age of 18, factors related to drug use, previously committed crime, frequency of letter exchange, previous experience of abuse, and social support. Furthermore, the reported desire for mental health services of women inmates varied depending on age, effects of religion, child care status, family contact, and factors related to letter communication. The desire for mental health services of women inmates also differed by the level of subordinate symptoms on SCL-90-R and the degrees of severity. The fact that child care status and social support affect the mental health of women inmates indicates the necessity of mental health services and policy, which can support the relationship of women inmates and their family members, as well as needed social support system. The reported desire for counseling service of mentally weakened group strongly suggests the necessity of correctional counseling services in forensic settings. Further implications of the findings are discussed.
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