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메뉴The purpose of this study is to know what is limerence in romantic relationships and to investigate factors affecting limerence and its mediation effects in romantic relationships. To accomplish the purposes, this study was progressed in two process. The first study investigates concept and components of limerence using an open-ended questionnaire. The results of the study are as follows. First, limerence was defined intrusive thinking about the object of your passionate desire who is possible sexual partner, acuting longing for reciprocation, dependency of mood on partner’s actions or your interpretation of partner’s actions with respect to the probability of reciprocation. Second, components of limerence have been found suspicion, fear of rejection, jealousy, longing and imperfection, oversensitive. In the second study, I investigated factors affecting limerence using structural equation model examination. The components are Individual factor (unstable attachment), love factor, partner factor(liking expression, implying supporting, intimacy expression). To examine the integrated relation of each factor, It was used structural equation model examination. As results, each factor affects limerence. In detail, unstable attachment has been found to be the biggest effector both male and female. that behaviors of a partner has been found to be effector only for female. partner factors and love factors(passion level, intimacy level, responsibility level) was examined as factor making limerence only for female, that partner factor(liking expression, implying supporting, intimacy expression) was examined as a factor decreasing limerence in girls. These results indicate that limerence is not made from only individual factor. The results would help understanding limerence of romantic relationship and improving in romantic relationship.
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