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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Differences on Attitudes toward Emotional Expression, Depression and Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help between Female College Students and Married Women


This study was to compare the differences on attitudes toward emotional expression, depression and attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help between female college students and married women. The subjects were a total of 280 with 87 married women and 193 female students attending college schools located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The results of the study were as follows: First, there was no difference on attitudes toward emotional expression between female college students and married women. Second, there was a difference in the symptom and level of depression between female college students and married women. This result indicated the female college students have higher depression and more ‘negative feelings' than the married women. Third, there was a difference on attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help between female college students and married women. That is, the married women had more positive attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help than the female college students. Lastly, as the result of the correlation among every variable, there were a significant positive correlation between attitudes toward emotional expression and depression, a negative correlation between attitudes toward emotional expression and attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. These results revealed the women who had higher attitudes toward emotional expression, have higher depression, but have more possibility to have lower seeking professional psychological help. Further implications for counseling practice and future research were suggested. Also, the limitations of current research were discussed.

정서표현 억제 태도, 우울증, 전문적 도움 추구 태도, Attitudes toward Emotional Expression, Depression, Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology