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메뉴Until recent researches, Sexual behavior, sexual functioning and emotional experience were regarded as key factors for satisfying sexual life. While the sexual script theory emphasized on constructing the co-enjoyable and co-satisfying sexual script between couple for it. On the basis of the sexual script theory, this study was to develope the co-constructive sexual index(for short, the sexual index) that measures and diagnoses psychological abilities essential to the construction of a co-satisfying sexual script. Specifically, pre-studies(open-ended questionnaire, FGI, literature survey) were conducted to explore psychological abilities for satisfying sexual life. As a results, 5 psychological abilities - awareness of sexual self, expression of sexual self, sexual conflict solving ability, sexual communication ability and sexual beliefs - were extracted. Based on this result, main study was carried out to develope the co-constructive sexual index and to validate it. Three hundreds and twenty eight married persons(male: 179, female, 198) were responded to a questionnaire consisted of 61 sexual index questions, sexual satisfaction scales and 8 sexual behavior questions. First, a factor analysis and reliability analysis were conducted to extract constructs of the sexual index from 61 questions. The result were shown that the sexual index had acceptable 4 factors, including exploration ability of sexual self, awareness of sexual self, sexual beliefs and sexual conflict solving ability. Second, a correlation analysis was performed to investigate the validation of the sexual index. In result, it was revealed that the sexual index was highly correlated with sexual satisfaction scales and sexual behaviors. Third, through a regression analysis, the explanatory variance of sexual index on sexual satisfaction scales was compared to that of sexual behavior to verify the function of sexual index. The results demonstrated that the sexual index was more powerful explanatory variable on them than sexual behaviors. The theoretical and the practical implications of these findings were discussed.
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