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메뉴The purpose of this study is to investigate the variables such as Career Barriers, Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy, Career Decisions Making Levels of North Korean females compared with those of South Korean females, and also to research the Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy and Career Decisions Making Levels affected by Career Barriers. This research identifies the career variables to provide North Korean females Refugees with basic information services for careers. The conclusion is as follows; first, the Career Barriers, Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy, Career Decisions Making Levels are analyzed for each of the groups, North Korean females Refugees and South Korean females. The overall Carrer Barriers makes no differences but the sub-factors, ‘the preparation lack of labor markets and the limits and low expectations of labor markets’ are significant. That is, North Korean females Refugees' Career Barriers, Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy are higher than those of South Korean females and their Career Decisions Making Levels are lower than those of South Korean females. Second, it is analyzed how much influence Career Barriers have on Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy, Career Decisions Making Levels. The survey says, as Career Barriers, the 29.6% of North Korean females Refugees and 41.1% of South Korean females regarding the Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy, and 20.9% of North Korean females Refugees and 38.7% of South Korean females regarding Career Decisions Making Levels. North Korean females Refugees' explanationablity of all of the variables is lower than that of South Korean females. The last part of the research is the meanings of the research and the suggestions.
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