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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


A Study between female students in college of engineering and humanities by sex role identity, self efficacy and career maturity


Because female students are affected by sex greatly, more studies for non-traditional career choice women are needed. Most people considered engineering career as nontraditional career choice for women, whereas humanities as traditional career choice for women. Therefore, this study explored the differences between female students in college of engineering and those in college of humanities. 101 female students in college of engineering and 100 female students in college of humanities participated in this study. The survey included sex role identity, career decision, career preparation, self efficacy, and some demographic items. The results showed as follow. First, engineering students had higher masculinity than humanities students. Second, there were no significant differences in career decision and career preparation between engineering students and humanities students. Third, there were no differences on parent's educational levels whereas there were slight differences of father's majors between engineering students and humanities students. Fourth, there were differences between engineering students and humanities students with the effects of masculinity and self efficacy on career maturity. fifth, the results supported the hypotheses that majors would moderate the relationship between self efficacy and career maturity. In humanities students, self efficacy exerted significant effect on career decision, while in engineering students, self efficacy had strong effect on career preparation. Finally, limitations and suggestions for future research were discussed.

공학계 여대생, 인문계 여대생, 성역할 정체감, 진로결정, 진로준비, 자기효능감, female students in college of engineering, sex role identity, career decision, career preparation, self efficacy



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology