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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Predictors of Depression and Anxiety Among foreign wives through marriage migration


Multiculturalsim becomes the salient issue in Korea. The purpose of this study was to analyze the various factors influencing the depression and anxiety among foreign wives through marriage migration. The survey had been carried out for 184 foreign wives. these wives were those who came from China, Vietnam, Phillippines, Mongolia, Japan. The total amount of depression was 2.6%, and anxiety was 3.3%. The potential predictive variables were the followings; age, length of stay, race/ethnicity, difference in husband age, satisfaction with husband, perceived social support and acculturative stress. The significant influencing factors on depression were satisfaction with husband and acculturative atress. The more they were satisfied about their husband the less they were depressed. The more they had acculturative stress the more they were depressed. The significant influencing factors on anxiety were satisfaction with husband, acculturative stress. race/ethnicity, and length of stay. The more they were satisfied about husband, the lower their anxiety level was. The more they got acculturative stress, the higher their anxiety level was. The results showed that foriegn wives had not significant difference with depression and anxiety among residence religion, occupation, family income. however there was significant difference with anxiety among ethnic. Phillippines wives had higher anxiety level than Vietnam, Mongolia, and Japan wives.

국제결혼 이주여성, 불안, 우울, 남편만족도, 문화적응 스트레스, 다문화주의, foreign wives through marriage migration, depression, anxiety, satisfaction of husband, Acculturative stress, multiculturalism



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology