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메뉴The current study was conducted to explore the relations among college students' career decision-making self-efficacy, parent attachment, and career attitude maturity. This study investigated how parental attachment and career decision self-efficacy variables relate to career maturity variables. The sample of the present study consisted of 519 college students (235 males and 284 females). The participants completed questionnaires of parent attachment (IPPA-R), career decision-making self-efficacy (CDMSES-SF), and career maturity. The results showed as follows. First, there were significant differences between male and female students on sub-factors of career attitude maturity. Second, a series of regression analyses revealed that several sub-scales of attachment to father and mother and career decision self-efficacy factors affected career maturity. Third, according to the result of multi-regression analysis, career decision-making self-efficacy predicted the students' career attitude maturity. Especifically, the attachment to mother had effects on two sub-factors of career attitude maturity. The career decision self-efficacy mediated completely the relationship between the students' parental attachment and career attitude maturity. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
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