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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Effects of mother-child relationship and mother's parenting stress on preschoolers' behavior problems


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of both mother-child relationship and parenting stress on preschoolers' behavior problems. Subjects were 235 preschoolers(115 boys, 120 girls) between two years old and five years old. The instruments included: (a) Parenting Relationship Questionnaire, (b) Parenting Stress Index, (c) Child Behavior Checklist 1.5-5. Results are as follows. First, mothers' involvement and mother-child dysfunctional interaction were the significant predictor of preschoolers' internalizing behavior problems. Second, mothers' discipline practice was a significant predictor of preschoolers' externalizing behavior problems. Third, mothers' relational frustration and difficult child of parenting stress were the significant predictor of both preschoolers' internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Theoretical and therapeutical implications of results are discussed.

Parent-child relationship, parenting stress, preschooler, behavior problem, 모-자녀관계, 어머니의 양육스트레스, 유아, 문제행동



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology