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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Relationship between Body-Image Discrepancy and Psychological Well-Being in Female College Students


The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between body-image discrepancy and psychological well-being in female college students. 200 female college students were recruited. The results showed that most of female college students belonged to thin-normal range, however, 92.5% of participants assessed that thin body is ideal. As female college students internalized the standard of thin body image, body-image discrepancy was also caused. Correlation analysis showed that body-image discrepancy has negative correlation with body-esteem, and psychological well-being. Also, as previous studies BMI and body-esteem have negative correlation with psychological well-being. Especially, in this study we conducted hierarchial regression analysis to assess the unique contribution of body-image discrepancy to psychological well-being. The results of hierarchial regression analysis demonstrated that body-image discrepancy has unique contribution to psychological well-being after controlling BMI, body-esteem, and stress. In addition, according to the level of body-image discrepancy, we investigated group differences. The group of ‘discrepancy is large’ showed psychological well-being and body-esteem is low, and stress level is high compare to the group of ‘discrepancy is small’.

body-image, discrepancy, body-esteem, psychological well-being, 신체상, 불일치, 신체 존중감, 심리적 안녕감



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology