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메뉴For this study, I raised the question, “How is the addiction process manifested for an alcohol dependent female?” and carried out in-depth interviews with 14 persons who were selected among those diagnosed alcohol dependent according to the diagnosis criteria DSM-IV-TR (2000) and those who have experience of hospitalization in alcohol ward. The qualitative research method used in this study was grounded theory. The data analysis is based on the contents of interviews. An initial open coding was conducted to draw concepts, sub-categories, and categories, followed by an axis coding to formulate the paradigm model and to clarify the relationship between numerous categories. Then, selective coding allowed the author to discover the core categories of addiction process among alcohol dependent females, on the basis of which relations between the core categories were developed into a grounded theory. The core categories represent ‘process of temporarily leaving behind psychological pain of the past and the present’. Over time this process was developed into drinking activity without self-restraint and gradual dependency upon alcohol. The process discussed in the study, that is, the process of temporarily leaving behind psychological pain of the past and the present, may provide a foundation on which a practical program can be developed by allowing to apply the addiction process theory among alcohol dependent females. This may be of use to hospitals and alcohol-related counseling agencies that provide treatment for alcohol dependency.
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