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메뉴This study aims to investigate the relationship between women's attitude toward hairdressing and their personality such as Big 5 personality factors and BAS/BIS (behavioral activation system and behavioral inhibition system). The participants were 308 female college students, whose ages ranged from 18 to 29 (M=20.37, SD=2.02). The psychological tests used in this research included the following: 15-item Attitude toward Hairdressing Scale, The Big Five Locator, and Korean Version of BAS/BIS Scale. Results revealed that women currently with short hair were more sought to fun than those with long hair, and women with hair dyeing were emotionally more stable and extrovert with opened mind than those without hair dyeing. But, overall participants' hair styles were not significantly related to their personality. Besides, 2-way interactions of wave and dyeing hairs in openness and agreeableness were found. Emotional stability and extroversion among Big 5 personality factors were related to the attitude toward hairdressing, and BAS/BIS were related to many sub-variables of the attitude toward hairdressing, except satisfaction of own hair condition. Certain personality factors were able to predict sub-variables of the attitude toward hairdressing, although their accountability were less than 10%. This study suggests especially dispositional personality trait were more closely related to women's attitude toward hairdressing. It was discussed with previous studies and some theories for future studies.
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