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메뉴The purpose of this study was to clarify the common factors and differences between Hwa-Byung and depressive disorder in women with breast cancer on the basis of having the type C personality in cancer patients. The 256 breast cancer patients were recruited and they were assessed on Hwa-Byung Scale, CES-D, psychosocial variables, cancer related variables, cancer related somatic symptoms and quality of life. As a result, 16.8% were classified as Hwa-Byung and 13.7% were classified as depressive disorder. Hwa-Byung symptom scale, Hwa-Byung personality scale and total score of Hwa-Byung showed significantly positive correlations. It showed no differences all kind of sociodemographic variables and cancer related factors among Hwa-Byung, depressive disorder, and comorbid group. Also there were no significant differences of psychosocial variables, cancer related variables, cancer related somatic symptoms and quality of life among three groups. The only exception was that Hwa-Byung group showed higher active coping behaviors than depressive disorder group. So it can be concluded that there were no critical variables to discriminate between Hwa-Byung and depressive disorder in breast cancer patients. Finally it was discussed the implications for the identification and psychosocial intervention of Hwa-Byung in breast cancer patients.
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