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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of health related quality of life on depressive symptoms in breast cancer patients. The 374 breast cancer patients were recruited and they were assessed on cancer related variables, sociodemographic variables, EORTC QLQ-BR23 and CES-D. The results showed as follows. First, there were significant correlations among depressive symptoms and all variables of health related quality of life including physical functioning and physical symptoms. Second, multiple regression analysis showed that all variables of the health related quality of life including body image, sexual functioning, sexual enjoyment, future perspective, arm symptoms, breast symptoms, side effects of systemic therapy, and upset by hair loss significantly predicted the increasing of depressive symptoms. Third, future perspective, breast symptoms, and side effects of systemic therapy significantly predicted of depressive mood, and body image significantly predicted loss of positive mood. Body image, future perspective, breast symptoms, and side effects of systemic therapy showed significant effects on interpersonal relationship. And future perspective, breast symptoms, and side effects of systemic therapy were significant predictors of physical deterioration. Finally it was discussed the important influences of the health related quality of life on the depressive symptoms in breast cancer patients and the future directions of psychological intervention for the breast cancer patients.
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