The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of women’s gender role attitudes on depression. We also studied self-esteem and family life satisfaction as mediating factors on depression. The data was from the National Welfare Panel Study of 2009 and the analyses were conducted on 3,791 women and 3,467 men aged from 20 to 59. Independent samples t-test and stepwise multiple regression analyses show significant gender differences on depression and gender role attitudes. Women score higher than men in depression and gender role attitudes. Those who have higher traditional gender role attitudes manifest higher score on depression. We also found out that self-esteem and family life satisfaction are the mediating factors for women’s depression. As a result, gender role attitudes demonstrate direct and indirect effects on depression through mediation of self-esteem and family life satisfaction. Clinical implications are discussed to consider women’s gender role attitudes, their self-esteem and family life satisfaction while consulting with depressed women.
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