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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Effects of Married Couples' Positive Illusions on Their Marital Satisfaction


The present study was to examine the relationships between three kinds of positive illusions (self-enhancement bias, illusion of control, and unrealistic optimism) and marital satisfaction. The data were collected by administering the questionnaires to 140 married couples. The influence of positive illusions on the marital satisfaction was separated into actor effect and partner effect within the APIM (Actor-Partner Interdependent Model). The actor effect means the impact a person's characteristics has on himself or herself, and the partner effect means the impact a person's characteristics has on his or her spouse. The major results are as follows. First, the warmer married couples consider themselves to be, the higher both their own and their spouses' marital satisfactions were. However, the partner effect of husbands was stronger than that of wives. Second, the stronger the husbands' illusion of control was, the higher both spouses' marital satisfaction was. Meanwhile, wives' illusion of control had little influence on the marital satisfaction of the couples. Third, husbands' actor effect alone was significant in unrealistic optimism. Husbands' marital satisfaction increased as their unrealistic optimism get higher. Among the three positive illusions, finally, were husbands' illusion of control and wives' self-enhancement bias that proved to have the most impact on their marital satisfaction.

positive illusion, self-enhancement, illusion of control, unrealistic optimism, APIM, 긍정적 착각, 자기고양편향, 통제착각, 비현실적 낙관주의, APIM



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology