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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The moderating and mediating effect of self concept on relationship between Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Borderline Personality trait


This study aimed to demonstrate relation between Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder(hereinafter called "C-PTSD") experiences and Borderline Personality trait and investigate a role of Self Concept between two variables. It was hypothesized that C-PTSD experience have an effect on Borderline Personality trait and self-concept moderate & mediate between two variables. Personality assessment inventory-borderline features scale, self-concept scale, traumatic antecedents questionnaire were implemented to 650 woman's university students. The results are as follows. First, C-PTSD experiences have effects on Borderline Personality trait. Second, Self Concept was proved to have moderator effect between C-PTSD experiences and Borderline Personality traits of childhood and adolescent period. In addition, it was proved that as one had lower self concept, he was more influenced by C-PTSD experiences and showed more Borderline Personality traits. Third, Self Concept was proved to have partial mediator effects between C-PTSD experiences and Borderline Personality traits of childhood and adolescent period. That is, while there were mediator effect of Self Concept as it was proved that C-PTSD experiences made Self Concept negative and the negative concept increased Borderline Personality traits, the effect of C-PTSD experiences on Borderline Personality traits appeared to be significant, which showed that Self Concept partially mediates between two variables.

C-PTSD, Borderline personality disorder, self-concept, moderate, mediate., C-PTSD, Borderline personality disorder, self-concept, moderate, mediate., 경계선 성격장애, 복합외상, 자기개념, 중재효과, 매개효과



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology