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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

The Effects of Rape Myth and Tolerance towards Violence on Dating to the Sexual Assertiveness in College Women


This research is to study factors of affecting sexual assertiveness of female students of universities in order to prevent university students from sexual problems. The factors include empirical factors such as sexual damage, abuse, and sexual experience and psychological factors such as a common idea of sexual violence and tolerance towards violence on dating. In addition, regression analysis among subordinate factors was carried out to study how a common idea of sexual violence and tolerance towards violence on dating affect sexual assertiveness of female students of universities when empirical factors is under same control. For these studies, 240 data obtained by surveying female students of universities located in a middle region of South Korea were analyzed. Correlation analysis and regression analysis were carried out through the collected data. SPSS 15.0 Program was used for these analyses. There are five abridged consequences of this research. First of all, there is a significantly negative correlation between sexual assertiveness of female students of universities and both a common idea of sexual violence and sexual experience, but a positive correlation between sexual assertiveness of female students of universities and tolerance towards violence on dating. Secondly, personality and physical damage in the past don't significantly affect sexual assertiveness of female students of universities, but sexual experiences do. Thus, The more sexual experiences are, the lower the level of sexual assertiveness is. Thirdly, a common idea of sexual violence of female students of universities significantly affects sexual assertiveness of them. Fourthly, when sexual experiences, which is the one of the empirical factors, of female students of universities is under same control, a common idea of sexual experience still affects sexual assertiveness of them. Finally, ‘misunderstanding of the opposite sex's behavior’ and ‘a false report of lechery and rape’ affect disallowance of sexual relations. That is, this common idea of sexual violence such as the misunderstanding and the false report makes it difficult to disallow sexual intercourse. Through these consequences, proposals for further discussion and study are included in this research.

Sexual Assertiveness, Rape Myth, Tolerance towards Violence on Dating, Sexual Violence, Abuse, Sexual Assertiveness, Rape Myth, Tolerance towards Violence on Dating, Sexual Violence, Abuse, 성적 자기주장, 강간통념, 성폭력 통념, 성피해, 성폭력 예방



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology