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메뉴This study attempted to understand awareness for the overall need of family counseling and aims at providing a direction of support for family counseling that is leveled at married immigrant women and their families. To achieve this, this study analyzed data from the 2010 National Multicultural Families Survey, which was conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Frequency, distribution, and hierarchical multipleregression analyses on demographic variables, Korean language skills, social support, satisfaction of family relations, and experience of family counseling were conducted in view that these were factors that affected awareness for family counseling, with a total of 58,072 immigrant women who came to Korea. The results of this study are as follows: First, Korean language skills, social support, satisfaction of family relations, the study revealed that subjects recognized the need for family counseling as moderate and their Korean language skills were also moderate. Social supporters did not exceed more than two people including from both Koreans and their country natives, and subjects were satisfied with the relationships to their spouse, children, and parents in-law. Second, there were differences in opinion between the nationalities of the married immigrant women regarding the need for family counseling. Third, the following is the result of the influence of the awareness of the need for family counseling based on the demographic variables of the existence or non-existence of Korean language ability, social support, satisfactory family relationships and previous experience of family counseling.
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