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메뉴In order to understand the gender differences in factors affecting willingness for self-sufficiency, this study examined the level of willingness for self-sufficiency of 424 male and female program participants from 36 local self-sufficiency centers nation-wide in Korea, and investigated the factors affecting willingness for self-sufficiency. The results show that, in the male group, age, debt, and family support were statistically significantly associated with willingness for self-sufficiency while depressed mood, professionals’ support, and family support were significantly associated in the female group. While males’ willingness for self-sufficiency were found to be higher with older age, possessing no debt, and higher family support, femails’ willingness for self-sufficiency were found to be higher when they felt less depressed, and received more support from professionals and their family. Based on these findings, it was confirmed that family support played an important role both in male and female participants, and was found that different factors were associated with willingness for self-sufficiency in male and female program participants. It was also discussed that policy and micro-level intervention need to consider the gender differences in promoting willingness for self-sufficiency.
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