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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


MMPI-2 Profiles in Relation to Complex PTSD of Female Sex Workers


This study investigated MMPI-2 profiles and relative effect of childhood abuse and traumatic events during prostitution, in relation to complex PTSD(CPTSD) of 42 female sex workers. Compared to the controls, the target group significantly higher than the controls in all of the CPTSD symptoms and 52.4% were assumed as the CPTSD high-risk group. Analysis of the content scales revealed that alterations in self-perception and interpersonal relationship were especially significant. The MMPI-2 profiles of the target group showed F-related scale and Hs, D, Hy, Pd, Pt, Sc, Si scales, with Pd and psychotic scales elevated above 60T. This was different from the profiles of PTSD and depressive disorder, while more similar to the profiles of childhood abused or sexually abused group. The sex workers also had experienced significantly more childhood abuse than the controls. The effect of the childhood separation and adulthood interpersonal severance/conflict in target group were relatively higher than other childhood abuses or traumatic events during prostitution and the effect of childhood competence were significant in both groups.

복합외상, MMPI-2, 성매매 여성, 아동기 학대, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, MMPI-2, female sex workers, childhood abuse, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, MMPI-2, female sex workers, childhood abuse



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology