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메뉴The purpose of this study was to have a phenomenological understanding of the experiences in the marital relationship after the first baby is born. For this purpose, thirteen couples (marriage duration of less than five years; within three years of the child birth) were recruited and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The interview data were analyzed through the open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. In the next step, we derived the marital relationship paradigm after the first baby arrived. The causal/situational conditions that caused changes in the marital relationship were the parenting burden and the marital adjustment level. The central phenomena were parenting and housework burden, which were moderated by the husbands' support. The action/interaction strategies were couple's high awareness and acceptance for their new role and pursuit of the shared meaning of the family. When the strategies were successful, a deeply satisfying feeling and shared values could be obtained. Finally, we identified the core category to integrate of other categories into a conceptual framework, and that is 'the awareness and acceptance for their new role and the pursuit of a sense of We-ness'.
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