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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The relationship between explicit and implicit attachment to parent and subjective well-being in male and female university students


This study examined how the father-mother attachment and subjective well-being differ according to gender. The study also investigated the different contribution of implicit and explicit father-mother attachment to subjective well-being in university students. Participants in this study were 204 male and female university students in Seoul. The results of this study were as follows: First, There were gender difference in explicit mother avoidant attachment, implicit mother attachment and positive affect, life satisfaction. Female students felt more close to their mother in implicit and explicit attachment. The male students felt more positive affect and more satisfied with their lives. Second, explicit father-mother attachment were almost significant relationship with subjective well-being, while no relationship in implicit parent attachment and subjective well-being in male and female students. There were significant gender difference. In female students, there was not significant correlation between father-mother attachment and positive affect. When male students implicitly felt that they are secure, they felt touchable their father. Third, Only explicit father-mother attachment predicted three components of subjective well-being in both male and female. Male’s positive affect was predicted mother avoidant attachment. Parent avoidant attachment in male students and parent anxiety attachment in female influenced negative affect. Life satisfaction was predicted each poosite sex parent avoidant attachment in male and female.

parent attachment, subjective well-being, university students, explicit and implicit attachment, 부·모 애착, 주관적 안녕감, 남녀 대학생, 명시적 애착, 암묵적 애착



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology