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메뉴This study aimed to identify the variables that affect married workers’ work-life balance and to verify gender differences in individual variables(WLB belief, resilience), family variables(work support, satisfaction to sharing family work), organization variables(WLB culture, inefficient working system). Moreover, this study assessed the relationships between work-life balance and quality of life, marital satisfaction, intentions to withdraw in a sample of 520 married workers(mal2: 258, female: 262). The results were as followed. Firstly, regression analyses showed that the inefficient working systems were strongly associated with men’ work-life balance, while satisfaction to sharing family work and WLB culture, as well as inefficient working systems, were strongly associated with women’s work-life balance. Secondly, The results indicated that there were no sexual differences in the effects of work-life balance on quality of life and intentions to withdraw, while there were significant sexual differences in marriage satisfaction. Especially, marital satisfaction was affected by work-family balance in men. On the other hand, work-leisure balance was the key factor to affect on women’s marital satisfaction.
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