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메뉴This study was to look into the differences of the empowerment based on the social demographic characteristics of mothers from multi-cultural families and to find out how much influence the optimism and psychological well-being have on the empowerment. Data was collected by surveying the 400 mothers from multi-cultural families across the nation. The results indicated that regarding the differences of the empowerment according to the factors of the demographic systematics, there were the differences of the empowerment depending on how old they are, how long they have been married, how much educated they are, what kind of jobs they have and how many children they have. Secondly, for the influence on the empowerment of the optimistic attitude and psychological well-bing, the self-acceptance, the power to control the environment, the goals of life, and the personal background of uprising have an influence on the sense of self-efficiency among other things. Thirdly, he self-acceptance, the power to control the environment, the goals of life, and the personal background of uprising also have an effect on the self-esteem. In addition, the power to control the environment and the positive relationships with others coming from the psychological well-being have an impact on the lethargy-power. Lastly, the self-acceptance, autonomy, the power to control the environment, the goals of life derived from the optimism and psychological well-being influence the social activities in the local communities and their autonomy.
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