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메뉴The purpose of this study was to investigate the causal relationship among attachment, separation-individuation and anxiety, and to compare the interaction effect of social support in each gender. The sample comprised 491 university students in seoul. The measurements used Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment(IPPA), Korean late adolescent Individuation Questionnaire, Perceived Social Support Inventory, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI). The Results of the study are as follows: First, attachment was significantly correlated with separation-individuation. Second. attachment, separation-individuation and emotional support significantly contributed to the prediction of male university student's anxiety. On the other hand. in female university student, separation-individuation and evaluative support significantly predicted to anxiety. Finally, interaction effect of emotional support was non-significant in male university student's. But in female university students, interaction effect of evaluative support was significant. The findings of this study would contribute to more gender-specific, integrates approaches for anxiety prevention or intervention.
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