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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Mediating Effects of Forgiveness on Marital Intimacy and Mental Health of Breast Cancer Women with Attachment Injury


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of attachment injury on marital intimacy and mental health and to test the mediating effects of forgiveness in breast cancer women. Total 216 women with breast cancer who had experience of attachment injury participated in this study. Data was collected at two clinics of breast cancer in general hospital in Seoul and Kyounggi province. Hypothetical model was consisted of variables with attachment injury, marital intimacy, mental health, and forgiveness. Amos 18.0 was used to identify fitness and analyze the paths of the model. The results were as follows. First, fitness indices of hypothetical model indicated that the data did not fit well and it needed to be modified. After modification model fit showed good with χ2=29.0, Normed χ2= 1.61(CMIN/DF), GFI=.97, AGFI=.93, NFI=.90, SRMR=.06, TLI=.91, RMSEA=.05. Second, four paths from attachment injury to marital intimacy, mental health, and forgiveness and from forgiveness to marital intimacy were significant. But path from forgiveness to mental health was not significant. Third, forgiveness was not a significant mediating variable between attachment injury and mental health but a significant mediating variable between attachment injury and marital intimacy. Forgiveness was the strongest influencing factor to marital intimacy in the model. Attachment injury and forgiveness explained 63% of marital intimacy and 8% of mental health. It is suggested to include forgiveness in development of education and marital therapy for breast cancer women with attachment injury.

Breast cancer, Attachment injury, Forgiveness, Marital intimacy, Mental health, 유방암, 애착손상, 용서, 부부친밀감, 정신건강



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology