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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Moderating Effect of Work-Family Conflict on the Relation Between Job Burnout and Housework Burnout for Counselors


This research examined the moderating effect of Work-Family Conflict on the relation between job burnout and housework burnout for married female counselors in South Korea. To distinguish the direction of the relation between job burnout and housework burnout, two types of moderating effect were analyzed using SPSS program. The results were as follows. First, there was a positive relation between job burnout and housework burnout. Next, the effect of housework burnout on job burnout was moderated by the level of work→family conflict. However, family→work conflict did not moderate the effect of job burnout on housework burnout. Implications, future research directions and limitations of the study were discussed.

일-가족 갈등, 직무소진, 가정소진, 상담자, 조절효과, Work-Family Conflict, Job Burnout, Housework Burnout, Counselors, Moderating effect



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology