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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

Aging Anxiety of Korean Adult women


The purpose of this study was to examine differences in self-efficacy and aging anxiety according to age, income, marital status and education and the moderating effect of self-efficacy on the relation between age and aging anxiety in adult women in two cities. For this study, data were collected from 467 women who registered in the day care education center and civic education program in the social welfare institute in two big cities. Instruments included AAS(Anxiety about Aging Scale) by Lasher & Faulkender(1993) and Self-Efficacy Scale corrected by Hong(1995). The results of this study were as follows. There were different by age and marital status but was no difference by income in self-efficacy and aging anxiety. According to education there were differences in self-efficacy and fear of old people that was one factor of aging anxiety. Self-efficacy moderated the relation between age and fear of old people, implying that the level of self-efficacy play an important role as a protective factor in fear of old people in Korean adult women. Based on the results, findings and implications were discussed.

aging anxiety, woman, age, self-efficacy, 여성, 노화불안, 연령, 자기효능감



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology