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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


A comparison of the mental health problems of North Korean adolescent defectors and South Korean adolescents: Focused on gender and age


The purpose of this paper is to objectively evaluate the psychological difficulties of North Korean adolescent defectors living in South Korea (NKAD, N=202), by comparison with South Korean Adolescents (SKA, N=194). The scores on 11 scales of Psychological State Inventory for North Korean Adolescent Refugees (PSI-NKR-A) were compared across the country of origin, gender, and age. PSI-NKR-A is a brief self-report questionnaire designed to evaluate a broad range of psychological problems and symptoms of psychopathology of NKAD. MANOVA showed that NKAD had higher scores on Post-Traumatic Stress and Psychosis scales than SKA, while the latter had higher scores on Academic Stress. Female adolescent had higher scores on Depression, Somatization, Anxiety, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Low Self-Esteem, Academic Stress, Internalization Problems and Total Scores than Male adolescent, while the latter had higher scores on Conduct Problems. And High school students had higher scores on these scales than Middle school students. Interaction effects of country of origin by gender and gender by age on Post-Traumatic Stress and Anxiety, and Interpersonal Sensitivity scales were significant. Analysis of the simple main effect showed that NKAD Females had significantly higher scores on Post-Traumatic Stress and Anxiety scales than NKAD Males, but SKA had no difference on these scales on their gender. High school Male students showed higher scores on Anxiety and Interpersonal Sensitivity scales than Middle school Male Students, Female adolescent had no difference on these scales on their age. Based on these result, psychological intervention for North Korean adolescent defectors were discussed, and suggestion for future studies were described.

탈북 청소년, 정신건강문제, 탈북 청소년 심리상태검사, 난민, North Korean Adolescent defectors, Mental health problems, Psychological State Inventory for North Korean Adolescent Refugees, Refugee



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology