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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The effect of vacational calling on life satisfaction: Gender differences in mediating effect of meaning in life.


The purposes of the present study were (1) to analyze paths of vocational calling to life satisfaction among employees by examining the mediating effect of meaning in life in the relationship between vacational calling and life satisfaction, and (2) to test gender difference in the effects of the paths as well as the levels of the variables in the mediation model. Data were collected from 628 employees of various jobs, and those from 310 male subjects and 310 female after elimination of inadequate sample were analyzed. In order to examine the mediation model, structural equation modeling was conducted through AMOS programs. The results showed that the partial mediation model of meaning in life was supported and the significant gender difference not existed in the path coefficients. And the latent mean analysis demonstrated that male employees had higher levels in vocational calling, meaning in life, and life satisfaction than female employees. Finally, discussions on the meaning of the results and suggestions for future research were provided.

직업소명, 삶의 만족, 삶의 의미, 매개효과, 성차, key words: vocational calling, life satisfaction, meaning of life, mediating effect, gender difference



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology