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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Gender Differences in Positive Mental Health Types of Adolescents


The purpose of the present study was to examine gender differences in positive mental health types of adolescents. For this purpose, the present study analyzed the data from 2015 Korea Youth Health Risk Behavior Web-based Survey collected by the Korean Center for Disease Control. The participants were 68,043 adolescents (35,204 males, 32,839 females) who participated in the survey. The present study investigated whether there were gender differences according to positive mental health types suggested by Keyes and Lopez(2002). The results showed that the languishing group and the struggling group exhibited greater gender differences than the flourishing group and the maladjustment group. With increasing age, languishing type cases increased among females students while struggling type cases increased among male students. These findings suggest gender differences in positive mental health types of adolescents. Lastly, the limitations and implications of the present study, and directions for future research were discussed.

adolescents, mental health, maladjustment, positive psychology, gender differences, 청소년, 정신건강, 심리적 부적응, 긍정심리학, 성차



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology