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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Effects of Self-Disclosure and Social Support on Posttraumatic Growth of Female High School Students who Experienced Relational Loss : Intentional Rumination as a Mediating Variable


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of self-disclosure, social support and intentional rumination of a female high school student who experienced relational loss on posttraumatic growth. This study also aims to examine whether the intentional rumination mediates the relationship between self-disclosure, social support and posttraumatic growth. For this purpose, the questionnaires were carried out to 415 high school students in capital area. In this questionnaire, unreliable responses, a traumatic events which just happened one month ago, the data which marked the pain level below 4 points after traumatic event and cases that were not related to a relational loss were excluded. Finally, 286 questionnaires were analyzed for this study. For analysis, traumatic event experience questionnaire, self-disclose scale, social support scale, intentional rumination scale and Korea posttraumatic growth inventory were used. The result was analyzed by SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0. A basic statistics and structure equation model analysis were carried out. The significance of structural model’s mediator effect was proved with Bootstrap method. Main results are as follows. First, posttraumatic growth showed significant correlation with self-disclosure, social support and intentional rumination. Second, intentional rumination fully mediates the relationship between self-disclosure and posttraumatic growth. also, indicate that intentional rumination partially mediates the relationship between social support and posttraumatic growth. Finally, the implication and limitation of this study were discussed with suggestions for future research.

관계 상실, 여고생, 자기노출, 사회적 지지, 의도적 반추, 외상후 성장, Relational Loss, Female High School Student, Self-Disclosure, Social Support, intentional Rumination, Posttraumatic Growth



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology