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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Life and Family Relation Experience of Female Ex-offender During and After Incarceration


The purpose of this study was to explore the life and the experience of the family relation that female ex-offenders undergo during and after incarceration, and to understand its meaning and the nature. Semistructured interviews were held with 10 female ex-offenders in their 30s and 50s who had housing and education service from Korea Rehabilitation Agency in Ministry of Justice. The collected information was analyzed by the Colazzi's(1978) strategy of descriptive phenomenology data analysis. The significant statements extracted from the transcript were sorted into categories, clusters of themes, and themes. The results were composed of 22 themes, 6 clusters of themes, and 2 categories of incarceration life and family restoration after released from the prison. Clusters of themes in incarceration life was 'incarceration life without family', 'worrisome children', 'husband in my side and the other side' and clusters of themes in family restoration after released from the prison was 'along with the family after returning home', 'the heavier the yoke of mother as ex-offender', 'like it or not, he is my husband'. The discussion and implication are provided based on the result of this study.

여성출소자, 수감, 출소, 가족관계, colaizzi, 질적 분석, female ex-offender, incarceration, released from the prison, family relation, colaizzi, qualitative analysis



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology