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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


A Concept Mapping Study on Multiple-role Coping Strategies of Working Mothers


This study aimed to identify conceptual structure on multiple-role strategies of working mothers through a concept mapping method. Primary sentences for the idea about multiple-role strategies extracted by 35 working mothers with child(ren) under age 18. Key sentences were extracted based on their responses, then 10 participants among 35 sorted them and rated importance of each key sentences. As a result of multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis, two dimensions, time/action based - strain based and personal-social axis were found. Also, six types of multiple-role coping strategies were grouped: 1) networking as a mother, 2) structural role redefinition, 3)cognitive restructuring, 4) seeking social support, 5) parenting and educating, and 6) family-role focused coping. We discussed research implications and limitations based on the results.

multiple-role, coping strategies, working mothers, concept mapping, 다중역할 수행, 대처전략, 유자녀 직장여성, 개념도



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology