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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Relationships among Maternal Early Experiences in the Family of Origin, Adult Attachment, Co-parenting and Children’s Social Competence


This study aimed to examine relationships among mothers’ perceptions on the early experiences of the family-of-origin and adult attachment, and cooperations in parenting in the current family (co-parenting), and children’s levels of social competences. For the purpose, data was collected from mothers of children of 4 and 5 years, who lived in Kyeonggi province (n=251). The data was analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling(SEM). Results revealed that first, maternal early experiences in the family-of-origin had a positive impact on the adult attachment, while having no direct effects on co-parenting. Maternal adult attachment had a direct positive influence on co-parenting, and the adult attachment and co-parenting had positive effects on children’s social competence respectively. Second, mothers’ adult attachment mediated the relationship between how mothers perceived experiences in the family-of-origin and their children’s social competences, and co-parenting mediated the impact of the family-of-origin on children’s social competences. Next, the effects of the family of origin experiences on co-parenting were mediated by maternal adult attachment, while maternal adult attachment had indirect effects on children’s social competences through co-parenting. The implications of these findings are discussed, expecially focusing on the ways to improve children’s social competences.

amily-of-origin experiences, adult attachment, co-parenting, social competences, 원가족 기능성, 성인애착, 공동양육, 사회적 유능성



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