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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


An exploratory study on the development of online mother-daughter intimacy during the daughter’s transition from adolescence to adulthood


Recently, more attention has been paid to the importance of online family interactions as online interpersonal relationships became more active. The present study aimed to examine the development of online mother-daughter relationship in accordance with the daughter’s transition process from adolescence to adulthood. The focus group interviews were conducted twice by the first author. The first interview group consisted of 5 single females and the second group of 5 married females, who were selected through the convenience sampling from November 26, 2013 to December 11, 2013. It was found that the online intimacy in the mother-daughter relationship could be defined operationally as the deepened affection through close contacts regardless of time and space. Results showed that the online mother-daughter relationship could be divided by the online communication avoidance period, the online communication exploration period, the online communication amplification period, and the stable online communication period. In the online communication avoidance period, the daughter’s online activities created conflicts in the mother-daughter relationship. Although both of them were engaged in online communication, the mother took part in more online activities in the initial online contacts. In the online communication amplification period, mother and daughter planned her marriage in the near future, which was a major event for all daughters. The online mother-daughter relationship became closer as they prepared for this event. In the stable online communication period, they did not always touch base online, but they still maintained daily online communication. The daughter's offspring became the focus of the online communication. The findings indicated that the online communication provided a basis for both mother and daughter to better understand each other and deepen their affection.

online mother-daughter relationships, intimacy, the qualitative research, the transition from adolescence to adulthood, focus group interview, 온라인상의 모녀관계, 친밀감, 질적 연구, 청소년기부터 성인기로의 전이, 초점집단면접



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology