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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Mediation Effects of Sexual Assertiveness between Gender-role Stereotypes and Dating Violence Acceptability of Female College Students


This study aims to examine the mediating effect of sexual assertiveness between gender-role stereotypes and dating violence acceptability of female college students. For this purpose, surveys were conducted by 548 female students attending five four-year-course colleges in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, using gender-role stereotype scale, dating violence acceptability scale, and sexual assertiveness scale. Based on the collected data, descriptive statistic, correlation analysis, structure equation model test about model of this study, and goodness-of-fit test were performed and analysed. Also, interviews were conducted by 60 female students who participated in the survey in order to derive qualitative information relating to sexual assertiveness. The results of this study are as follows. First, the results of qualitative research about the reason why college female students don’t stand up the sexual assertiveness effectively between couple relationships, and what kind of helping behaviors they need, 3 domains and 12 categories(4 internal reasons, 5 external reasons, 3 helping behaviors they need) were finally derived. Second, gender-role stereotypes and dating violence acceptability were found to have a significant positive correlation, gender-role stereotypes and sexual assertiveness, and dating violence acceptability were shown to have a significant negative correlation. Third, the mediating effect of sexual assertiveness on the relationship between gender-role stereotypes and dating violence acceptability appeared to be significant. This study is significant in terms of providing basic information for intervention to change awareness about gender-role and sexual assertiveness through female college students’ counseling and training.

여대생, 성역할 고정관념, 데이트 폭력허용도, 성적 자기주장, female college students, gender-role stereotypes, dating violence acceptability, sexual assertiveness



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology