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메뉴The present study examined conjoint effects of perceived discrimination, acculturation, and acculturative stress to North Korean refugees’ levels of depression. Specifically, we tested a mediated moderation model in which interactive effects of perceived discrimination and acculturation were hypothesized to predict depression via their effects on acculturative stress. A total of 87 female North Korean refugees completed a set of questionnaires assessing perceived discrimination, acculturation, acculturative stress and depression. In addition, demographic factors such as age and duration of residence in the South and recruitment site were included in the analysis as covariates. Results indicated that acculturative stress partially mediated the effect of perceived discrimination on depression although this indirect effect was not moderated by acculturation. Moreover, direct effects of perceived discrimination, South Korean cultural orientation, and interactive effects of perceived discrimination x North Korean cultural orientation x South Korean cultural orientation on depression were significant. Theoretical and clinical implications and limitations of this study are discussed.
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