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메뉴The purpose of the present study was to examine whether daughters’ negative body image would mediate the relationship between maternal negative body image and daughters’ abnormal eating behaviors, and if such mediating effect would differ depending on the daughters’ perceived level of maternal negative feedback on appearance among female undergraduate students. A total sample of 202 mother-daughter pairs participated in the survey, and data was analyzed using SPSS Macro. The main results are as follows. First, daughters’ negative body image had a full mediating effect on the relationship between maternal negative body image and daughters’ abnormal eating behaviors. Second, daughters’ perception of their mothers’ negative feedback on appearance moderated the association between daughters’ negative body image and abnormal eating behaviors. That is, as the frequency of maternal negative feedback on appearance increased, the relationship between daughters’ negative body image and abnormal eating behaviors increased. Third, the moderated mediating model was supported in that the mediating effect of daughters’ negative body image on the relationship between maternal negative body image and daughters’ abnormal eating behaviors increased as maternal negative feedback increased.
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